Ranks Within Discord
Omega Trial: Omega's are the starting rank for everyone who joins, this is for staff to see how active people are and assess their riding level for which rank applies best for them.
Delta: Delta's are the starting line for members of Shadow Dukes, this role is often for beginner learning riders and those who do not wish to be involved in competitions.
Beta: Beta's are the higher level riders who may occasionally compete in competition and make up the majority of Shadow Dukes members. They will typically be part of who you see on our social media and smaller video edits.
Alpha: Alpha's are Shadow Dukes competitive competition team, these are the most elite riders and are often who you will see riding ranked routines, appearing in choreographed routines and most often on our social media's.
Staff: Are the behind the scenes magic! This often includes our riding instructors, application team, social media management, scheduling and event managers.
​Ranks Within Starstable
Novice: This is the first rank you will receive when you join the club. In order to get ranked up, you must show a dedication to the club by attending practices, events, and other club activities, as well as having a willingness to learn.
Novices are placed in Deltas
Stable girl: This rank is given when the staff feel you have met expectations of a good club member, and have proven that you can commit to the club and attend half to most club practices and events.
Stable girls are placed in Deltas
Member: You will be given the member role if you have been in the club for over three weeks and have shown advancement in dressage. You must be a Beta in order to have this rank.
Members are placed in Betas
Trainee: In order to receive the Trainee role, you must prove to the staff that you have advanced in dressage to the advanced/elite level during your time in the club. You must also show loyalty, commitment, dedication, and attend most to all practices and events. This role is very hard to get if you haven’t been in the club for over two months.
Trainees are placed in Betas
Experienced rider: If you are an Experienced rider, it is assumed that you’re an Alpha and compete at an elite level. You must attend almost all practices and club events, and show a willingness to learn. You must have been in the club for at least three months to receive this role. Experienced riders must be flexible in their agenda in order to commit to the strict practice schedule.
Experienced riders are placed in Alphas
Champion: Champions are members who have exceeded expectations of Shadow Dukes members and have shown to staff that they will fulfill the duties of a staff member. Champions are in charge of hosting practices or teaching private lessons if Riding instructors are unable to do so. You must have been in the club for at least four months to become this rank. Champions will be included in all staff related matters. This rank is given by recommendation and staff voting only.
Champions are placed in Alphas
Riding instructors: Riding instructors are selected by their ability to command and instruct dressage practices, as well as a flexible schedule to host practices. Riding instructors will mainly teach Deltas and Betas, and are required to host at least two practices per level each week. You must have been in the club for at least five months to receive this role. This rank is given by the owner’s personal selection and staff voting only.
Riding instructors are placed in Alphas
Leaders: This rank is given to a member who has been in the club for at least six months and has demonstrated an extreme dedication to the club. They are viewed as members who have “made the club what it is today”, and have shown that they have a positive mindset and want the club to succeed. Leaders are expected to host practices for Betas at least two times and Alphas at least four times per level each week. This role is very difficult to rank up to because of its expectations.
Leaders are placed in Alphas