Every club calls moves that are unique to them, so please do not tell us that our moves are incorrect as everyone is taught differently. This dictionary does not include every single dressage move there is, but we included all the moves Shadow Dukes itself uses. Keep in mind that this list is not finalized and will continue being updated as Shadow Dukes advances in dressage.
Beginner Moves
Curl: Each rider will do a curl on go
Comb: On go, all riders cut across the arena to create individual lines
Curl comb: A curl followed by a comb once completed
Dye: Cutting across the arena on the diagonal from corner to corner
Belt: A U-turn only when you get to the wall (follow lead)
Split: Odds turn one way, evens turn the opposite
Cut: The leader will comb and the rest of the line will follow
Cut mid: Cut once you get to the midpoint of the wall (A, B, C, E)
Merge: Two or more lines merge to create one, single line in the original order
Fate: A curl in specified direction, followed by a curl in the opposite. Turn when you hear turn
Wave: Odds curl direction called, evens curl opposite way
Twist: Fate wave
Waterfall: Belt wave. Belt in opposite directions at wall
Dodge: Two curl overs, one in one direction, and another in the opposite. Forms an S shape
Curl over: Each rider makes a U-turn on go. ½ of a curl
Keyhole: ¾ of a curl
Dye divide: Head down a center cut line, once you reach X, odds take a dye line one way, and evens take the opposite. Makes a Y shape
Bear: All riders curl over and return to the wall at a slant. This forms a teardrop shape
Feather: Comb wave
Tier: On go, the first two leaders of the line would make a cut, then the next two people in line would follow, then the next two, and so on and so forth resulting in a rein
Thread: Odds curl on the first go, evens curl on the second
Combo: Curl over, then curl in the opposite direction, then curl over back to the wall. Looks like a fate but does not pass through original axis
Slant: 45° turn. Can be called as a cut (follow) or comb (individual)
Curl Variations
Call go’s for each change in gait
Bee curl: Trot curl, canter curl
Orbit: Walk curl, canter curl
Pluto: Trot curl, walk curl
I curl: Walk curl, trot curl
Triple curl: Walk curl, trot curl, canter curl
Star curl: Walk curl, canter curl, trot curl
Intermediate Moves
Galaxy: An orbit fate. Walk curl one way, canter curl the other. Call a go for the change in gait (riders should be changing direction while picking up canter)
Obi: Twist, curl, twist, curl (four go’s)
Revolve: Curl over towards partner post comb on go
Rift: Keyhole wave
ID curl: Increasing, decreasing triple curl fate. Increasing triple curl one way, then change directions and do a decreasing triple curl
Snap: Keyhole merge. Keyhole in direction away from leader of line (ex. if lead is to your left, keyhole right, and vice versa)
Milkyway: Galaxy twist or wave
Stalker: Dodge thread
Squiggle: A dodge, but with an extra curl over on the end. Three total curl overs
Peel: Odds curl over at X, evens continue going straight
Thread wave set: Odds thread in the direction called on first go, evens thread in opposite direction on second go
Railroad: In tiered lines, riders comb slant to form X’s with the other line, then on second go, merge back into numbered lines
Mel: Odds curl comb, evens comb
Cherry: Odds comb, evens curl comb
Reflect: When two lines on the dye lines meet at X, they bounce and turn onto the opposite dye line. Should look like a big X
Retreat curl: A curl followed by a curl over in same direction
Mist: A curl followed by a curl over in the opposite direction
Ash: Curl comb merge. Curl comb in the direction the lead of the line is in (ex. if lead is to your left, curl comb left, and vice versa)
Advanced Moves
Pastel: Trot keyhole one direction, then on second go, canter keyhole in opposite
Rooftop: On first go, keyhole wave. On second go, odds keyhole one way, evens the other. Repeat second go for third go. Fourth go, keyhole merge (snap) back into one line
Flurry: On go, trot keyhole one way, then on second go, trot keyhole opposite direction
Lush: For all four go’s, keyhole in the same direction. Like rooftop, but not in the form of a wave
Duel: Combo towards partner on go
Cyclone: On the first go, riders revolve, on second go, riders curl out
Butterfly set: Trot fate, followed by a canter fate on second go. Both fates should be in the same direction
Minifly: Walk fate, immediately followed by a trot fate on second go. Both fates should be in the same direction
Hero: On go, riders will do a twist, followed by a combo wave once done
Clover set: On go, all riders will do a keyhole in the direction called. On the second go, riders will keyhole in the opposite direction. Do the same thing as the second go for the third go. On the fourth go, keyhole in the direction originally called
Polar: On go, the riders will do a bear in the direction called. On second go, they will do a bear in the opposite direction. Will fix line order
Rotate: Riders should be left to left with each other, odds make a walk curl and the evens make a canter curl around the odds
Fish: a bear, however, instead of merging back onto the original axis, you would continue on a slant
Dragonfly: On go, riders will feather. On the second go they will mist curl towards the lead of their comb. On the second go, they will snap back into their original line order
Swirl: In a waterfall that's about 4 horse lengths wide, on the first go, you will cut towards your partner, second go revolve around your partner, third go you will cut back into a rein.
DNA: Railroad, but on second go, instead of merging, you would railroad again, and continue doing so until you hear “final go” where you were merge back into numbered lines
Circle Moves
Bloom: Curl out
Cave: Curl in
Spark: Thread in or out
Firework: Fate in or out
Sparkler: Twist in or out
Explode: On go, everyone cuts in to the circle headed to X and continues straight ahead. Reform circle in original direction on second go
Drift: Gradually shrinking or expanding the circle
Expand: Cut out on the first go and merge to reform the circle in the original direction on second go. The circle will be larger once completed
Keyhole expand: On go, riders will do a keyhole in, then reform the circle doing a keyhole in the opposite direction of the original circle. So if the original circle was going to the left, you would keyhole right, and vice versa
Shrink: On the first go, everyone cuts towards the center and on the second go merge back into the circle. The circle will be smaller once completed
Frog: Odds curl over to the outside of the circle resulting in a rotary
Rotary: A circle inside of a circle going opposite directions
Sunflower: On the first go, riders expand. On second go, curl over right. On third go, merge to form a circle in the original direction
Donut: A rotary, but the inner circle trots and outer circle canters
Crown: In a rotary, odds (larger circle) cave, evens (smaller circle) bloom
Rose: In a rotary, odds trot bloom, evens walk cave
Primrose: In a rotary, odds canter bloom, evens walk cave
Tulip: In a rotary, odds will bee curl bloom, evens will I curl cave